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IF your company is listed at http://profs.info.uaic.ro/~itc2fii/collaborations.php with at least one activity THEN
   please fill in the form below;
 ELSE IF your company is not listed, THEN
        please contact the organisers (see below);
         we are looking forward to collaborate in the next academic year.

The registration fee is 90 RON and only applies to participating companies . The fee should be paid by bank transfer by July 1st, 2016. The bank account (RON) information is listed as follows.

Fundatia "Alumni - Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza din Iasi"
Cod fiscal: 21591880
Adresa: Bd. Carol I Nr. 11
IBAN: RO90BRDE240SV76562202400
BRD Suc. Iasi, Str. Anastasie Panu 1B – 2A

For more information, please contact Lenuta Alboaie, PhD Associate Professor - adria (at) info.uaic.ro

If you are a student, please visit our Facebook page and let us know if you are interested to participate.